
Spout Bottom vs. Flat Bottom FIBC Bags – Which is the best?

July 10, 2023 FIBC Bags
Spout Bottom vs. Flat Bottom FIBC Bags – Which is the best?

FIBC Bag users often face confusion while selecting the top & bottom of FIBC Bags due to the various options offered by FIBC Bags manufacturers. The selection of FIBC Bag opening & closing boils down to your applications & the contents you are going to fill inside the bag.

There are two discharge options – Spout Bottom & Flat Bottom that stands out due to their outstanding benefits & efficient emptying of several products & materials. In this blog, we will walk you through the difference between both to help you determine which is suitable for your requirements.

What are Spout Bottom Bulk Bags?

Spout Bottom FIBC Bulk Bags are extensively opted & commonly used discharge options selected by FIBC Bags users, as they ensure efficient emptying of materials in a streamlined manner. It comes with a safety cord to tie off the bag to keep its contents secured from leakage, shrinkage, and spillage during storage & transportation.

We recommend opting for a spout cover, flap, or safety valve to give your bag extra protection from inventory damage. If you are loading & discharging granular materials or powdered substances, a spout bottom is an ideal option.

What are Flat Bottom Bulk Bags?

Flat Bottom FIBC Bulk Bags are constructed parallel for all FIBC Bags. They are preferred in scenarios when you want to empty the bag’s contents by cutting an X at the bottom. If you have another emptying option, it will be challenging to cut at the base.

Flat Bottom Bulk Bags are made for specific applications as they are manufactured with a spout/ duffel or an open top for loading dry bulk materials, which are heavier in size. It lacks a discharge option on the bag’s bottom. Flat Bottom Bags are manufactured only on demand orders as they aren’t used vastly like spout bottoms.

At Umasree Texplast, we manufacture customized Flat Bottom FIBC Bags according to our client’s applications and deliver them within a dedicated timeframe worldwide.

Which one to pick – Spout Bottom or Flat Bottom?

As mentioned above, Flat Bottom lacks a discharge option and needs to be cut at the base, making it complex while emptying materials. You can opt for a Spout Bottom FIBC Bulk Bags blends exceptionally well with various bag top options (duffel, open, or spout top). You can load & discharge the products efficiently without any spillage.

With the availability of a cord, it provides a double safety mechanism, one tie for spout bottom release and the other for releasing materials. Spout Bottom is available in stock with FIBC Manufacturers to meet your on-demand order requirements.

We recommend selecting a spout bottom over the flat bottom to give your bag’s contents additional protection & efficiently discharge products without spillage or making a cut.


After reading the blog, you will have a firm clarity about what spout bottom and flat bottom FIBC Bags are and the difference between both. We have provided reasons for which one to select. However, if you have questions, feel free to contact us.

At Umasree Texplast, we manufacture customized FIBC Bulk Bags with spouts, flat bottoms, and various other bottom options to meet our client’s different application requirements & keeping the bag’s contents secured from spillage & inventory damage.

For a quotation of our FIBC Bulk Bags, contact us at 9909957564 or email at

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